Friday, September 12, 2008

Local and National American idiots

Was at Cincinnati's Fountain Square on 9/11. Minding my own business, eating some soul food from a vendor set up for the Southern Baptist Convention in town for a week, when a freak approached to peddle 911 conspiracy shit. Only in America can you protest total fantasy. According to the protester, Bush with the help of Israel planned and pulled off the whole 911 disaster. I called him an idiot. He is entitled to his opinion, I guess.

I was kind of pissed off all day because the night before, another idiot on Hanity & Colms, Howard Wolfsom, challenged the panel to point out ONE thing that McCain would do if he wins that would constitute change. Real change... It went unanswered.

Here's your answer Howie.

The McCain Presidency will be about fixing the problem of a broken Washington. John and Sarah are going to stop the spending insanity. Earmarks will be exposed and rendered to the fat bucket. I watch another President have his way with the fighting factions of Congress by swelling the will of the people to get things done. Washington makes me sick, I'm tired of the bickering and whining and business as usual. Spend everything and print more money. That's the change of REFORM. McCain has a history of exposing this and knows how to veto it away.

The only CHANGE that I see from the Obama ticket is that his programs will totally bankrupt the country.

One more thing Wolfy, when you and the other DEMS say that we have to have CHANGE from the 8 years of Bush, I say Bullshit! Many of us here in the midwest, appreciate the fact that terrorists have not attacked us since 911.
My business has quadruped under the Bush tax cuts. I didn't like the spending. I hate war, but hate losing more and am satisfied with the outcome of the surge. Bush sacrifice his approval rating but doing the right thing.

There, I feel better.

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