I just sent a letter to the new Obama Whitehouse snitch site, flag@whitehouse.org, virtually turning myself in.
Won't you join me?
President Obama
I'm insulted when your people charactarize my anger by saying it's manufactured by some right-wing conspiracy.
The fact is I don't like your ideals. I don't want your government public healthcare. You are wrong about Gitmo. Wrong on the Porkulas bill that clearly was a waste of my money. The Cap 'n Tax plan is based on bogus science that is just another hidden tax. You are spending this exceptional country into bankruptcy to satisify your union and acorn community organizer socialist agenda. I don't like it at all. I'm angry and so are my family, friends and coworkers.
I work at a small ad agency in Cincinnati. We work hard here for our families. We're not rich, we're barely making it. I pay my mortgage on time, my business give me insurance that helps pay for the poor people without insurance. I pay too much damn taxes now. When you add up all the taxes for local, state, sales, fed and fica, I have just enough to give my family a good life. You are putting that in danger.
I may be furloughed next month. I guess I'll have more time to stand up to you, Frank, Reid & the witch of the west, Pelosi. I have communication skills, good ones. I persuade for a living.
I love my country. I've always been proud to be an American. The government is just getting in the way of hard working people that will bring us out of this recession. You are making it worse by spending so much. You should be cutting the government down top size. Get out of my way and get your hand out of my pocket.
So this is just starting.
People are angry at you because you are out of touch with the people that make this country great. Us working Joe Plumbers, or Michel the ad man, we're the people that pay all of your salaries.
So go ahead and put my name on you enemy list.
I won't be voting for you, didn't the first time.
I won't be voting for any of my representatives that vote with you.
Call me an extremist, I'm a proud tea partier(not tea bagger). Call me a RightWingnut.
Call me a proud American.
(hoping you fail)
Michel Keidel
It's Chicago thuggery at it's best. I really hope the ignorant wake up.
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