Friday, September 19, 2008

Let'em fail and flail

The Wall Street crap pisses me off.
We should not bail out the casino gamblers on the street, they should be kicked to the street.
Sell off AIG, Close up Fannie and Freddie. Let the chips fall.

I didn't take the risks, why should I pay for the losses?

I pay my mortgage on time every time. My Home Equity LOC as well.

I should not have to pay for some poor sob who bought more house that they could afford.
I should not have to bail out the bank that made the bad loan.
I should not have to prop up the pseudo Freddie/Fannie who bought the bad loans.
I should not have to bail out the securities firms who then purchased lots of worthless paper and resold it over and over agian, making money on each transaction.

Let them go out of business...the greedy bastards.

McCain said heads should roll...well they should... SEC, FEC, All of the them.

They let this happen because the knew that the big government would jump in.

We need an investigation into the Fannie/Freddie CEOs who bilked the companies and jumped shipped with 100's of millions. Obama's advisors should go to jail.

I'm pissed off today.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The things we do right in America

My heart goes out to the folks in Texas and Louisiana who lost their homes and family in the hellish storm. I watch all Friday night as the storm came closer and closer.

Then Saturday morning, I woke up to the utter destruction. Little do I know that IKE was actually headed my way and hit my house on Sunday. It was just the wind, not the flooding but it was crazy.
And it did some damage, lots of it.

The thing about America that the politicians forget, is that when pushed against the wall and faced with destruction, we all kick into high gear, forget our differences and dig ourselves out of the debris.
Neighbor helps neighbor. We work together. Obama mommas and Palinites not fighting, working for each other.

That's what makes this country so great.

I get sick of hearing that we are a county divided, that's crap. We may agree to disagree, sometimes not like each other but when push comes to shove, we stand together.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Local and National American idiots

Was at Cincinnati's Fountain Square on 9/11. Minding my own business, eating some soul food from a vendor set up for the Southern Baptist Convention in town for a week, when a freak approached to peddle 911 conspiracy shit. Only in America can you protest total fantasy. According to the protester, Bush with the help of Israel planned and pulled off the whole 911 disaster. I called him an idiot. He is entitled to his opinion, I guess.

I was kind of pissed off all day because the night before, another idiot on Hanity & Colms, Howard Wolfsom, challenged the panel to point out ONE thing that McCain would do if he wins that would constitute change. Real change... It went unanswered.

Here's your answer Howie.

The McCain Presidency will be about fixing the problem of a broken Washington. John and Sarah are going to stop the spending insanity. Earmarks will be exposed and rendered to the fat bucket. I watch another President have his way with the fighting factions of Congress by swelling the will of the people to get things done. Washington makes me sick, I'm tired of the bickering and whining and business as usual. Spend everything and print more money. That's the change of REFORM. McCain has a history of exposing this and knows how to veto it away.

The only CHANGE that I see from the Obama ticket is that his programs will totally bankrupt the country.

One more thing Wolfy, when you and the other DEMS say that we have to have CHANGE from the 8 years of Bush, I say Bullshit! Many of us here in the midwest, appreciate the fact that terrorists have not attacked us since 911.
My business has quadruped under the Bush tax cuts. I didn't like the spending. I hate war, but hate losing more and am satisfied with the outcome of the surge. Bush sacrifice his approval rating but doing the right thing.

There, I feel better.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Proud to be a Conservative American

That's right.
I'm proud to be a conservative American again. I haven't said this since the Reagan term ended.
I'm always proud of my country, always.

McCain closed the the deal last night for me. I'm a McCain man now, who'd a thunk it?
Washington is broke, it need reform, needs change. And he's the man to lead the charge.
I get it now..."country first" is not about Obwon, it's what happened to the pilot in the Hanoi Hilton. It change him from me first to country first. That's fucking classic. And inspiring. Sarah's walking the conservative walk and she talks the talk, the right talk.

I'm also tired.
Tired of staying up late to watch the DNC, RNC and the talking heads bloviate.
I'm tired of speeches.
Tired of opinions of idiots that, I swear, don't seem to have anything to do with speech that was just on. It seems like most have their talking points made up be for the speech.

Bring on the debates.

I've attempted to frame a debate right here at the thecreativerightblog, got no takers, nada, nothing. Pussies.
I asked my lib friends to watch the DNC and RNC and debate each night the merits of the speeches and pagentry.
I'm going to keep up with this blog, try to promote it. But mostly it's about putting my feelings down on virtual paper. I'm not making this shit up, this is the way I feel.

I'm excited about the prospect of this election. Hell I may even run for office. I have some skeletons. Some good ones. One thing for sure is, I'm getting the McCain sign and bumper sticker and proudly displaying conservative ticky,


Thursday, September 4, 2008

She's the man!

With anticipation and plenty of drinks and snacks, I hunkered down to watch the big VP night at the RNC. Linda watched too, I've had to stop talking politics with her because i was bullying her about drive by media induced questions.

We sat through boring business ladies that had both been fired for being too strong and too womany.

Romney was boring. I'm so glad that he didn't get the nod. The US Mayor, Rudy didn't disappoint.

I usually jump around the dial to FOX, CNN, FOX and MSNBC, then back to FOX to see the blowhards blow hard. MSNBC's Ober(whatever) is the the biggest ass of blowhards out there. I like FOX.

Then came Gov. Sarah Palin. The longest ovation of the season. She more than impressed me. The speech was extremely well written, and delivered with style and grace that just blew the nation away. That is unless you're a die-hard liberal Obama Smoker-I think that sect is scared or should be and bent on shear destruction.

The Obama digs were iced steel perfectly turned. The small town analogy played to my Cleves, Ohio, background to a tee. She won Lindy over with the special needs VP advocate pledge. She speaks my language.

Dare I say that she would be my choice for President? Hell yes.

As I talked about the speech with my coworkers and freinds, all were very, very impressed. Quoting lines like from Late Night or the Tonight show. All my conservative friends talk about here moxy and always add...and she's a hotty...

It's game on.

I'm not really looking forward to McCain's speech. He's way better at the Town Hall stumps, I wish he'd do that. As long as he sticks to the script of Country First, his experience and values, we're going to come out of this more than OK.

I'm getting a sign for my yard.

RNC Night 1&2 Hoopla!

Gustav did the Dems a favor and pushed the start of the RNC back a day, but the GOP didn't disappoint with a fine line up of speakers.

First off, I have to state, that I was not enthused about the McCain campaign UNTIL I watched the Saddleback Forum with both candidates. That solidified my support because John roasted Barry with sharp to the point answers. That said, then the surprise pick of Alaska Gov. Palin made this GOP convention and the whole shootin' match so much more interesting.

I thought that my President man a excellent speech and solid endorsement with the usual Texas since of humor that I actually like.

Fred Thompsom came on and gave a yomans speech that skewered Obama and contrasted the Hanoi Hilton story with Obama's past. It was a great speech that left me fist pumping..

Lieberman left me with a bad taste. I've never liked the man, he was droning on but made and interesting pitch to the Reagan Dems.

All in all, great first night, not a lot of detail but plenty of red meat. I love meat.