Friday, November 7, 2008
After a deep cleansing breath...
With the election 3 days past, I've gone through the gamut of emotions of sad, angry, indignant, mad and now calm aggressive. I am worried, truly worried about what Obama will bring to bear on my beloved exceptional country.
My fiends, I think I've been fooling my self about thinking that MaCain had the same philosophy as I do. He clearly does not, he fooled me into believing that he was conservative, he was not. And that makes me mad. Again.
The Maverick was only a maverick against his own party. The warning signs were always there, McCain Feingold...hello...McCain Kennedy. Gheez.
McCain was not my first choice of candidates. Rudy was.
But I had to go with my party. Barack Obama is all about everything I loath about politics, liberalism, Harvard snobbery and elitism.
Now I'm questioning my party... especially the ones that are trying to blame Palin for the loss. McCain blew it. Sarah kept it close, she's the real deal. I'm not buying the diva bullshit. She has an ego, she's a frickin' politician.
The McCain campaign never figured out how to harness that conservative energy. He took the conservatives for granted in his quest to favor the independents and swings. Fuck them.
John should played the conservative power play of the Reagan years. But there lies MY MISCONCEPTION.
That's not John McCain.
So, here's what I'm going to do in the four years of Obama... I'm going to get involved with my local Republican Party. I'm going to show these local yahoos how to really market a candidate without all the negative bullshit. Hell, I may even run for office. I will going to push for a more conservative party OR start a new Conservative party.
So what are you going to do?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Join me in the fight!
I proudly voted for John McCain today.
I've never missed an opportunity to vote!
Today, right here and now, we must start rebuilding the Conservative Movement AND the Republican Party here in the USA. I'm a conservative ad agency creative director from Cincinnati.
I charge all who read, my man, Newt's emails to join me in fighting for a better USA at
Help me build this blog, fund Public Service Advertising and paid for advertising to rebuild the conservative movement.
There's only one politician that has the right ideas to actually fix America's problems.
It's Newt Gingrich.
Sign his petitions, subscribe to American Solutions, buy Newt's books.
I feel that there's a storm on the horizon, the Dems are taking over Congress and we only have a few years to right the ship. And if Obama wins, were going to have to go directly to the public to expose the radical changes he has planned.
We need an uprising like never before... One that put the Contract For American as the benchmark.
Stand UP.
Stand up and FIGHT.
I've never missed an opportunity to vote!
Today, right here and now, we must start rebuilding the Conservative Movement AND the Republican Party here in the USA. I'm a conservative ad agency creative director from Cincinnati.
I charge all who read, my man, Newt's emails to join me in fighting for a better USA at
Help me build this blog, fund Public Service Advertising and paid for advertising to rebuild the conservative movement.
There's only one politician that has the right ideas to actually fix America's problems.
It's Newt Gingrich.
Sign his petitions, subscribe to American Solutions, buy Newt's books.
I feel that there's a storm on the horizon, the Dems are taking over Congress and we only have a few years to right the ship. And if Obama wins, were going to have to go directly to the public to expose the radical changes he has planned.
We need an uprising like never before... One that put the Contract For American as the benchmark.
Stand UP.
Stand up and FIGHT.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Why Talking Points are bad
Talking points.
8 Years of Bush
Create Jobs
Tax Cut for 95%
Fight'in for the Middle Class
Real Change
Joe the Plumber
Spread the Wealth Around
Not ready to lead
Cut the capital gains Tax
Grow the wealth not the government
It's time for both candidates to go off message and say what they really want to do with this country.
It's time top stop promising what you can't deliver.
It's time to stop the name calling and scare tactics.
It's time to stop all negative advertising.
I think we need to put a time limit on campaigns. I'm frankly sick of this one.
We also need to force term limits on the Senate and the House.
8 Years of Bush
Create Jobs
Tax Cut for 95%
Fight'in for the Middle Class
Real Change
Joe the Plumber
Spread the Wealth Around
Not ready to lead
Cut the capital gains Tax
Grow the wealth not the government
It's time for both candidates to go off message and say what they really want to do with this country.
It's time top stop promising what you can't deliver.
It's time to stop the name calling and scare tactics.
It's time to stop all negative advertising.
I think we need to put a time limit on campaigns. I'm frankly sick of this one.
We also need to force term limits on the Senate and the House.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Black & White (I'm not a racist)
This presidential campaign could not be any easier to choose a side. That is if you do your homework and not just get your info from the DRIVE-BUY MEDIA OUTLETS.
Because I work in advertising, some are shocked that I'm not a liberal. I have friends that don't understand how I could possibly be conservative, let alone a republican.
But at least I give anyone the opportunity to have an opinion, I reserve the right to make fun you. Argue with you. Yes maybe even yell at you.
I didn't really care about any of it until Carter won. He sucked as a President. Nice enough guy. Boycotted the Olympics, I hated him for that.
Then I voted for Ronald Reagan because I loved how he framed the American experience. I bought into the whole smaller government was better, be strong, carry the big ass stick, mentality. I actually looked forward to hearing him speak. Around that time, my creative career was taking off and I became a capitalist. I hated paying taxes. The government does nothing for me really. They have their hand in my pocket and I DON'T LIKE IT!
I've been a conservative republican ever since. Some of the social stuff makes me queezy. ProChice/ProLife is not my litmus test. It's none of my business what happens either, way. Gay marriage-who cares. Religion is not bad.
I like the positive.
I need to work on being more positive myself. It's too damn easy to bitch about everything all the time.
I've always thought I was a half full kind of guy, but I slip easily into the sarcastic, negative nebob sided too often.
It really is black and white in this election, positive or negative, big gov or small gov.
You choose.
I Like Sarah
The day after the big VP debate, I sit here in my lazyboy, sort of watchin' Hanity, and thinking back on the debate.
I HAD HIGH EXPECTATIONS. I was more than happy with the effort. Point after point, she echoed my feelings on all the issues. She's not a blowhard. It's refreshing. The one thing all the MSM have missed, she brings a fresh POSITIVE breath of fresh air.
I like her.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Let'em fail and flail
The Wall Street crap pisses me off.
We should not bail out the casino gamblers on the street, they should be kicked to the street.
Sell off AIG, Close up Fannie and Freddie. Let the chips fall.
I didn't take the risks, why should I pay for the losses?
I pay my mortgage on time every time. My Home Equity LOC as well.
I should not have to pay for some poor sob who bought more house that they could afford.
I should not have to bail out the bank that made the bad loan.
I should not have to prop up the pseudo Freddie/Fannie who bought the bad loans.
I should not have to bail out the securities firms who then purchased lots of worthless paper and resold it over and over agian, making money on each transaction.
Let them go out of business...the greedy bastards.
McCain said heads should roll...well they should... SEC, FEC, All of the them.
They let this happen because the knew that the big government would jump in.
We need an investigation into the Fannie/Freddie CEOs who bilked the companies and jumped shipped with 100's of millions. Obama's advisors should go to jail.
I'm pissed off today.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The things we do right in America
My heart goes out to the folks in Texas and Louisiana who lost their homes and family in the hellish storm. I watch all Friday night as the storm came closer and closer.
Then Saturday morning, I woke up to the utter destruction. Little do I know that IKE was actually headed my way and hit my house on Sunday. It was just the wind, not the flooding but it was crazy.
And it did some damage, lots of it.
The thing about America that the politicians forget, is that when pushed against the wall and faced with destruction, we all kick into high gear, forget our differences and dig ourselves out of the debris.
Neighbor helps neighbor. We work together. Obama mommas and Palinites not fighting, working for each other.
That's what makes this country so great.
I get sick of hearing that we are a county divided, that's crap. We may agree to disagree, sometimes not like each other but when push comes to shove, we stand together.
Then Saturday morning, I woke up to the utter destruction. Little do I know that IKE was actually headed my way and hit my house on Sunday. It was just the wind, not the flooding but it was crazy.
And it did some damage, lots of it.
The thing about America that the politicians forget, is that when pushed against the wall and faced with destruction, we all kick into high gear, forget our differences and dig ourselves out of the debris.
Neighbor helps neighbor. We work together. Obama mommas and Palinites not fighting, working for each other.
That's what makes this country so great.
I get sick of hearing that we are a county divided, that's crap. We may agree to disagree, sometimes not like each other but when push comes to shove, we stand together.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Local and National American idiots
Was at Cincinnati's Fountain Square on 9/11. Minding my own business, eating some soul food from a vendor set up for the Southern Baptist Convention in town for a week, when a freak approached to peddle 911 conspiracy shit. Only in America can you protest total fantasy. According to the protester, Bush with the help of Israel planned and pulled off the whole 911 disaster. I called him an idiot. He is entitled to his opinion, I guess.
I was kind of pissed off all day because the night before, another idiot on Hanity & Colms, Howard Wolfsom, challenged the panel to point out ONE thing that McCain would do if he wins that would constitute change. Real change... It went unanswered.
Here's your answer Howie.
The McCain Presidency will be about fixing the problem of a broken Washington. John and Sarah are going to stop the spending insanity. Earmarks will be exposed and rendered to the fat bucket. I watch another President have his way with the fighting factions of Congress by swelling the will of the people to get things done. Washington makes me sick, I'm tired of the bickering and whining and business as usual. Spend everything and print more money. That's the change of REFORM. McCain has a history of exposing this and knows how to veto it away.
The only CHANGE that I see from the Obama ticket is that his programs will totally bankrupt the country.
One more thing Wolfy, when you and the other DEMS say that we have to have CHANGE from the 8 years of Bush, I say Bullshit! Many of us here in the midwest, appreciate the fact that terrorists have not attacked us since 911.
My business has quadruped under the Bush tax cuts. I didn't like the spending. I hate war, but hate losing more and am satisfied with the outcome of the surge. Bush sacrifice his approval rating but doing the right thing.
There, I feel better.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Proud to be a Conservative American
That's right.
I'm proud to be a conservative American again. I haven't said this since the Reagan term ended.
I'm always proud of my country, always.
McCain closed the the deal last night for me. I'm a McCain man now, who'd a thunk it?
Washington is broke, it need reform, needs change. And he's the man to lead the charge.
I get it now..."country first" is not about Obwon, it's what happened to the pilot in the Hanoi Hilton. It change him from me first to country first. That's fucking classic. And inspiring. Sarah's walking the conservative walk and she talks the talk, the right talk.
I'm also tired.
Tired of staying up late to watch the DNC, RNC and the talking heads bloviate.
I'm tired of speeches.
Tired of opinions of idiots that, I swear, don't seem to have anything to do with speech that was just on. It seems like most have their talking points made up be for the speech.
Bring on the debates.
I've attempted to frame a debate right here at the thecreativerightblog, got no takers, nada, nothing. Pussies.
I asked my lib friends to watch the DNC and RNC and debate each night the merits of the speeches and pagentry.
I'm going to keep up with this blog, try to promote it. But mostly it's about putting my feelings down on virtual paper. I'm not making this shit up, this is the way I feel.
I'm excited about the prospect of this election. Hell I may even run for office. I have some skeletons. Some good ones. One thing for sure is, I'm getting the McCain sign and bumper sticker and proudly displaying conservative ticky,
Thursday, September 4, 2008
She's the man!
With anticipation and plenty of drinks and snacks, I hunkered down to watch the big VP night at the RNC. Linda watched too, I've had to stop talking politics with her because i was bullying her about drive by media induced questions.
We sat through boring business ladies that had both been fired for being too strong and too womany.
Romney was boring. I'm so glad that he didn't get the nod. The US Mayor, Rudy didn't disappoint.
I usually jump around the dial to FOX, CNN, FOX and MSNBC, then back to FOX to see the blowhards blow hard. MSNBC's Ober(whatever) is the the biggest ass of blowhards out there. I like FOX.
Then came Gov. Sarah Palin. The longest ovation of the season. She more than impressed me. The speech was extremely well written, and delivered with style and grace that just blew the nation away. That is unless you're a die-hard liberal Obama Smoker-I think that sect is scared or should be and bent on shear destruction.
The Obama digs were iced steel perfectly turned. The small town analogy played to my Cleves, Ohio, background to a tee. She won Lindy over with the special needs VP advocate pledge. She speaks my language.
Dare I say that she would be my choice for President? Hell yes.
As I talked about the speech with my coworkers and freinds, all were very, very impressed. Quoting lines like from Late Night or the Tonight show. All my conservative friends talk about here moxy and always add...and she's a hotty...
It's game on.
I'm not really looking forward to McCain's speech. He's way better at the Town Hall stumps, I wish he'd do that. As long as he sticks to the script of Country First, his experience and values, we're going to come out of this more than OK.
I'm getting a sign for my yard.
RNC Night 1&2 Hoopla!
Gustav did the Dems a favor and pushed the start of the RNC back a day, but the GOP didn't disappoint with a fine line up of speakers.
First off, I have to state, that I was not enthused about the McCain campaign UNTIL I watched the Saddleback Forum with both candidates. That solidified my support because John roasted Barry with sharp to the point answers. That said, then the surprise pick of Alaska Gov. Palin made this GOP convention and the whole shootin' match so much more interesting.
I thought that my President man a excellent speech and solid endorsement with the usual Texas since of humor that I actually like.
Fred Thompsom came on and gave a yomans speech that skewered Obama and contrasted the Hanoi Hilton story with Obama's past. It was a great speech that left me fist pumping..
Lieberman left me with a bad taste. I've never liked the man, he was droning on but made and interesting pitch to the Reagan Dems.
All in all, great first night, not a lot of detail but plenty of red meat. I love meat.
Friday, August 29, 2008
So what do I believe?
The political distortions are bad on both sides. Wouldn't it be nice to hear the truth. But is the truth just the belief of the teller?
Here are some truths as I see it
The surge worked.
Iran is dangerous.
Kill terrorists before the can kill us.
Lead the world by example. Not follow. Or care what they think of us. Leader's don;t have to be "liked".
We need domestic oil. Always will. So Drill here, now.
We need nuclear power. Sun power, Wind power, Cow and pig fart gas power, NG.
There is no RENEWABLE energy source...once you use the energy it's gone.
We need to CUT the government spending. Eliminate whole departments.
Global Warming is just a new to tax idea. We do need to stop pollution, not by taxing but by enforcing the laws on the books.
The political 501 whatevers have to be muzzled or at least must be held accountable to the truth.
and finally I tip my hand...
I feel that Obama does not have enough experience to be my President.
BUT if he wins I'll back him up and respect him(and poke fun of him).
Can you pledge the same?
Yeah, yeah... 85,000 people frothed up and sweaty.
I get it, the guy's a rick star. They gave way free Wii's, didn't they.
It was and impressive production and quite humongous display of ego.
The white house set needed more forced perspective, you could not see the it all in the close ups.
The low light was Algore, spewing his chicken little doomsday scenario. Enough already Al. the worlds not going to end tomorrow or next week or next century. Your truth is lie based on flawed data and fluffed up by Hollywood imagery. He such an idiot.
Then the JoB shows up to mix up the brewhaha.
I'm a sucker for the videos. Left me thinking good things about ... something.
The speech was pretty good, he's clean and articulate. He pauses just right or is the Wright.
Barry would make a great preacher. And that's what he did...preach about how bad things are, how awful the country is and how only he can CHANGE the system, the country and the world.
But the problem is that it's the same old Democratic bullshit that's been said for 50 years.
Being rich is bad and must be punished and taxed. Making profits are bad and must be punished and taxed.
His government will have the programs to level the playing field. Drag the most to the least.
Unionize the whole country to where the best are compensated the same as the worst. Make everything average.
I was not impressed by the message. The spectacle was impressive. Kind of like the circus
DNC Night 3
I watched in amazement on night 3 of the DNC, one of the great orators of our time address his adoring minions.
The man who brought us "I didn't inhale" and "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" was at his craft again. He was at the top of his game. Bill is the simply the best at lying to the face of the American Public.
His bloviating about his great foreign policy accomplishments and balanced budget fantasies brought back all the repressed memories of how much I hated his presidency. I hated him as much as people today hate Bush.
He needs to be ignored, He wants Obama to lose so bad, so he can have another crack at it in 2012. Power is the man's crack addiction, Hills addicted too. But she distanced herself from Bill the night before(bully for her).
Then came, big mouth Joe B. A thirty year dem lib hack of a Senator. He will step in his own shit, mark my word.
I need to get on it an make a sticker for him. I also need to do a little more homework on him.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
DNC Night 2
I thought day 1 was boring.
But Day 2 was incredibly boring.
All I wanted to see was Hillary blow up the fricken thing.
She didn't do it.
She just did what she had to do. Mildly move her followers over to Obama
She did that sort of.
Hillary basically said this is why I ran for President and why you should vote For Hussein.
She did not say Obama has enough experience.
She did not say that Obama was worthy.
I was disappointed. And I don't know why.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
DNC Night one-my view
Oh what a night.
Hey, I'll make a deal with both of you. I'll watch all of your convention if you watch all of mine.
Then we discuss the last night's propaganda.
You've all got to be feeling kind of groovy seeing that Biden won the Veepstakes.
He's a piece of work. Attractive. Articulate. Smooth. But loud.
So I watched the whole shooting match last on PBS. McNeal and Leher are for all intents and purposes, cheerleaders-old crusty ones.
Pelosi laid an egg, she's such a wind bag. The crowd basically ignored here. She has nothing-nothing positive to say. It's tiring.
Jesse Jr. was good, surprisingly good. He's got a future.
Carter was Carter-why didn't he speak?
Teddy, the film, was good. Loved the sail boat. Teddy the speaker has lost a step but I was happy he was there. I kept thinking that we may just croak right there, but the old crumundgon did his business.
The republican loser lost me couple of times. I needed to pee and get some refreshments.
There was a governor and friend of Michelle's that had really nothing of importance to say(to me).
The Michelle film was a very good image rehab. It made her less angry like. Then Michelle's brother came on, I liked him.
Her speech was inspiring at times BUT the "bettering the world" talk left a bad taste in my mouth. I don't want to fix the world, just the USofA. Funny how she didn't mention Princeton or Harvard. How did they pay for that again?
Some people want to give up there lives to public service, give up the good job to work in the trenches, that a good thing but not for everyone. So you give up your good Wall Street or ChiLaw job, do good, how then do you get the million dollar house in Hyde Park?
She's clearly a good Mom, devoted spouse and worthy of the First lady gig. Attractive. Articulate.
She did a good speech, she's quite a good speaker. Way better than Hillary.
I'm looking forward to tonight's Hillaryapaloosa. I think(hope) she's going to blow up the convention and go for the big vote against Obama. She may be able to sway all the delegates to go with her instead.
I'm reaching across the aisle, guys. At least I give the dems a chance to convince me. I need specifics not lofty prose(I can get that from Bob).
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Why does anyone like the Clintons?
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Wall Street or Slots
With the roller coaster stock market ride this past week, some things have become clear to me, Playing the market is gambling pure and simple, there's a rush sure and risk yes but you might as well put money on a horse race, It seems that the market is not based on any reality but on what analysts project companies should do. Someone's unqualified opinion. Say I make widgets and sell millions of them in a year-year after year. So I have a year and don't quite sell a million and miss a projection(guess). And suddenly my companies worth 50% less. I'm still making millions of dollars worth of widgets.
Where does the lost money go? Who gets the spoils. The fed slashed interest rates to help the gamblers form killing themselves.. That's good for borrowers, god knows we need more debt. You can have the market, it's not worth worrying about.
Economists say the country is in a crapper, the recession is upon us. I say bullshit. Business is good in advertising. It's the bell weather-advertising gets cut when the actual economy is bad, that's not happening right now. The stock market is inacurate indicator of the economy, especially now in a presidential election year. That's my 2¢.
Where does the lost money go? Who gets the spoils. The fed slashed interest rates to help the gamblers form killing themselves.. That's good for borrowers, god knows we need more debt. You can have the market, it's not worth worrying about.
Economists say the country is in a crapper, the recession is upon us. I say bullshit. Business is good in advertising. It's the bell weather-advertising gets cut when the actual economy is bad, that's not happening right now. The stock market is inacurate indicator of the economy, especially now in a presidential election year. That's my 2¢.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
It's the presidential political season and there's lots of fodder to talk about.
I watched the back half of the ABC Presidential Debates to see what the Dems had to say.
I must say that the sorry lot are clueless to the world around them.
So let me break it down, one at a time.
Edwards is simply a liberal mouthpiece spewing the same ole shit that can be found all over the net. Just once I'd like to hear him actually answer a question without telling me about how his dad worked in the mill. I don't care about your dad, I want to know if you want to win the war on terror. And why do you want to punish the people who have busted ass to make a decent living and actually made something of there lives and made a little money, created actual jobs, paid their taxes, go to church and volunteer to help their neighborhood. I'm talking about the small business owners, the new middle class with a combined income of low 6 figures.
Obama is an articulate and kind hearted candidate, they are starting the bloodletting against him. I like what he has to say but change for change sake is not practical or doable in the stake of politics we have now. I don't want to pay for the bloated programs he represents. I like him though.
Richardson, you can take your call for sacrifice and shove it up your ass. You represent the worst kind of old school dem. Tax me more so you can spend more while forcing industry to pay for more regulation. Go away old man.
And finally Dear Hillary. This was supposed to be your corination as queen. Now that you're not in the leader spot you're showing your true nasty self. You say that you are the only candidate with the experience to run my country. Bull shit.
You're nothing but has been lawyer in need of attention. You got elected to Senate because of Bill in a state that wants a celeb in the Senate seat, who was there before you???. You have done nothing positive for this country, you couldn't even kick your cheatin', lying husband to the curb. You hate Bush so much that it consumes every questions answer.
To all four of you, let me say this. This is a great country because of the great people that live here, not the damn politicians that attempt to run it. We are now winning the war in Iraq and winning the war on terror dispite your whining and from not help from you.
I watched the back half of the ABC Presidential Debates to see what the Dems had to say.
I must say that the sorry lot are clueless to the world around them.
So let me break it down, one at a time.
Edwards is simply a liberal mouthpiece spewing the same ole shit that can be found all over the net. Just once I'd like to hear him actually answer a question without telling me about how his dad worked in the mill. I don't care about your dad, I want to know if you want to win the war on terror. And why do you want to punish the people who have busted ass to make a decent living and actually made something of there lives and made a little money, created actual jobs, paid their taxes, go to church and volunteer to help their neighborhood. I'm talking about the small business owners, the new middle class with a combined income of low 6 figures.
Obama is an articulate and kind hearted candidate, they are starting the bloodletting against him. I like what he has to say but change for change sake is not practical or doable in the stake of politics we have now. I don't want to pay for the bloated programs he represents. I like him though.
Richardson, you can take your call for sacrifice and shove it up your ass. You represent the worst kind of old school dem. Tax me more so you can spend more while forcing industry to pay for more regulation. Go away old man.
And finally Dear Hillary. This was supposed to be your corination as queen. Now that you're not in the leader spot you're showing your true nasty self. You say that you are the only candidate with the experience to run my country. Bull shit.
You're nothing but has been lawyer in need of attention. You got elected to Senate because of Bill in a state that wants a celeb in the Senate seat, who was there before you???. You have done nothing positive for this country, you couldn't even kick your cheatin', lying husband to the curb. You hate Bush so much that it consumes every questions answer.
To all four of you, let me say this. This is a great country because of the great people that live here, not the damn politicians that attempt to run it. We are now winning the war in Iraq and winning the war on terror dispite your whining and from not help from you.
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